Chimneys - Before & After


 Flue Liners, Waterproofing, and Chimney Inspections

In order to keep your chimney in optimum working condition, these services are essential. Carolina Chimney has been providing these services to local residents since 1996.


 Chimney Repairs

Masonry chimney systems have different areas to be swept and inspected than standard chimney systems. The damper plate can be taken out in most cases, but in some cases, it cannot be taken out, as in some old style dampers where the doorplate is built into the frame.

At Carolina Chimney, we sweep and inspect from the bottom of the system up to the top, as all of the debris falls to the smoke self-when swept. Then, we remove all of the debris and inspect the system visually, and (if requested) will use the Chim-Scan video inspections system. We view and photograph the smoke chamber and flue system to ensure that your system is operational and functional, and a report can be generated and printed at your request.

To learn more about our custom masonry repair services, contact us today!

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